Sunday, January 23, 2011

Water is a precious resource.

Welcome year 6 to an indepth investigation into water and conserving this precious resource. For todays lesson we are looking at how water is used in our community. Your task for this lesson weill be to answer the following questions.

1. How did Indigenous people find water when it was scarce? Compare different environments.
Answer: In the desert water can be collected from the trunks of certain trees. When it rains the Indigenous people quickly gather the water from rook pools before it disappears. Water could be obtained from the roots of trees. The Indigenous people insert straw like instruments to suck out the liquid.
Rainforests water was in plentiful supply. Indigenous people often made camps near streams to ensure there was an never ending water supply.

2. In table form answer the following questions:
a. What did they use to carry the water in?
b. What was it made of?
c. How was it made?
d. What region of Australia were they from?

Don't forget to upload your concept map
Write your group reflection?

Concept Map

Group Reflection

Finding the precious water
Australian food and drink

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